Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own understanding; think about Him in all your ways, and He will guide you on the right paths. Proverbs 3:5-6
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Loving the Unlovable
Loving the Unlovable
"To you who are ready for the truth, I say this: Love your enemies. Let them bring out the best in you, not the worst. ( Luke 6:27 MSG)
We can probably all say at one time or another we have come across that one thorn in our side, that one past occurrence that left a huge scar on us or we may be dealing with someone in the present. All can probably attest to that one person we have experienced in being the difficult to love. It is that one person that no matter how hard we work, it’s never good enough. It may that one person that always pointing fingers of blame, but fails to look in the mirror. It may be a person that continually puts you down, never sharing loving encouragements. It may be someone, after you ready to destroy repetition or damage your character. How do we truly love our enemies?
Often times we just don’t know what to do in order to overcome or release the anxiety these circumstance leave upon our hearts. Someone may be lying over and over, leaving trust unreachable. He may be making the same mistakes again and again, causing his own pain, yet damaging the relationship you have tried so hard to build. Her world may be so out of control, in a way beyond your reach. You have no structure or plan on how to get her back on track. The times you have been let down are countless, leaving you tired, weary, full of questions, with no solutions in sight. You find yourself building you own wall of protection to shield yourself from further pain or damage.
How do we continue to love someone that has proven over and over the trust is no longer worthy or every time we reach out, our hands become scarred? It isn’t easy loving those that seem to take advantage of what we embrace as an every day blessing.
Yes, of course, we come across temporary situations where someone may have wronged us and we go on; forgive and forget. We don’t waste our time allowing that one small insignificant moment to ruin our day. We overcome and go on. However, why is it so easy to allow the same thing to occur with those that continually misuse our friendship, our trust, and our willing hearts? Is this God’s plan for us to always turn the other cheek?
God doesn’t expect us to lie down like a rug and continue to be used over and over. We are not to allow other to beat down our confidence in a way that leaves our self-esteem low or we become victims. We are not expected to turn a blind eye on being abused or watch other being treated badly. However, are we are not to take on the Rambo attitude and give back what it coming to those that hurt us? Do we seek out our revenge, making sure justice is served?
What do we do? We have to stop and ask ourselves the big question. Are we secure in Christ, mature enough in Christ, to know that next time we are attacked, insulted or abused, that we are FREE enough in Him to reject our own will, to refrain from our urge to seek revenge, so that our Father, our redeemer of all things, who knows us better than anything on this earth, shall once again reconcile our hearts and mind? Are you willing to turn the other cheek? Are you willing to say, “Father in heaven, take this from me, so that I be blessed by your glory and grace.”
"When a strong man, armed to the teeth, stands guard in his front yard, his property is safe and sound. Luke 11: 21 MSG.
God wants us to love, forgive and pray for those that hurt us.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Heavenly Sister
Heavenly Sister
September 27
Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life. The one, who believes in me, even if he dies, will live. John 11:25-26
She had long blond hair and a petite body frame. She wore a band of freckles across the bridge of her nose that complimented her green eyes. Her grin could capture anyone’s heart. Her wisdom far surpassed her youthful age of twelve. Nothing compared to the courage I witness her display as she endured the intrusive needles and medications that seem to exhaust her body. She also had a gutsy attitude. This would often radiate, when she stood up for her friends, her family, and her beliefs. Her heart, compassionate and tender had a way of protecting and loving anyone she met. She had no difficulty putting up a fight, even through her battle with cancer. Jesus never left her, even through her most feared moments. His embrace assured her through so many uncertainties such loosing her hair, lying quietly as the medications invaded her body, and dealing the difficult side effects. She never lost playful energy or enthusiasm for life.
On this day, my sister went to heaven. It has been three decades, although her presence forever stays with me. Her days spent on earth are nothing compared to her eternal life. Her earthly life was just the beginning. Ascending to heaven began her birth of her eternal existence.
Since the day Tina went to heaven my family has grown. God has blessed me with many friends that I call can sister. A profound presence of God shines deeply through each heart, reminding me that we don’t need the same DNA running through our veins to be related in Christ. One of my ‘sisters’ recently reminded me that once we get to Heaven, we would all be reunited as one family, not as separate families as we have been on earth. She used the term, ‘Sparkling Fireflies.’ commonly known as lightening bugs, buzzing around our Lord shining brightly. My sister is already there, her soul freely buzzing, reflecting vibrantly as her eternal heart light will shine forever.
Monday, September 7, 2009
What Do I Do?
Jesus often went away to other places to be alone so that he could pray.
(Luke 5:16 HCSB)
How comforting it is to know that the Lord is always with you. I know that when I seek him, I will find him. I thank you God, for revealing your word to me. Sometimes, we face challenges and just don’t know what to do. It leaves us confused, tired, and uncertain. He will help us to remain mindful and give us strength. He is always by my side and I have nothing to fear. And with the assurance of knowing Jesus Christ as my savior, I have an eternal place in heaven.
Sometimes, we need to find a place and be alone with God. He wants us to come to him, to confess our heart, to confide our concerns and to trust Him. " Lord, I don’t have the answers, but know that You do. Lord, I don’t know what to do, but I have your promise that You will guide me. Lord, I may stumble and I get confused, but You hold me steady. Lord, I put my trust fully into you, knowing You will always being with me.”
When we spend time with God, we will gain His peace, His comfort, and His affection. Find a place and be alone with your Father. Thank Him for never leaving you. Pray to God as Jesus did. God is always with you.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
So, Who Can You Trust?
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own understanding. (Proverbs 3:5 HCSB)
I once heard a joke. The punch line went something like this: “You will always be my friend, because you know too much.”
Has the thought of putting your trust in another person brought you comfort or is it a risk you would rather not take? If she gets to know the real me, will she stick around? How much do I reveal? Will my failures bring truth? Will my fears bring compassion? Will the rawness of honesty open up a path of healing? Shall I remain guarded or shall I lay it out? Knowing whom we can trust with our deepest selves can be a tricky decision.
By putting our trust in those that God has ordained can make all the difference. There is nothing that compares to that sense of security in having such a friend. You have entrusted your deepest thoughts and secrets. She is trustworthy and loyal. She will keep your confidence guarded as if it were her own.
Over the years, I have been on both sides of this coin. As I have confided in others, I’ve learned many lessons. Because of the tenderness of certain people I have been able to open up my heart. It has brought me healing and closure and a much needed sense of security. Along with the good and bad, these true friends have remained steadfast. I will always appreciate their grace. On the same token, I hope each of them know that their confidence in me is genuine and will remain as I continue to guard their hearts as well.
It is a wonderful knowing such honorable people. It is truly a blessing from God to provide precious gifts. It is also well to know with whom God wants us to form such friendships.
We shouldn’t be surprised when God lends us a gracious heart or a thoughtful mind that we can trust. We are to be thankful for those that seek Him first and then offer friendship. We can be assured that no ONE knows our thoughts, our secrets, our weakness, or our strengths more than God. Our Father knows us inside out, yet loves us and remains the most trust worthy of all. Trusting God with our past, our present, and our future is relief and a risk we can take. He will eternally remain faithful.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Right Mindset
Originally written 4/08/08
Make your own attitude that of Christ Jesus. (Philippians 2:5 HCSB)
How often we allow our own attitudes to cause us grief. Our behavior can help us or hurt us. Our attitudes can our best friend or our worst enemy. We profess to be Christians, yet our attitudes get us into trouble. We are to be examples of Christ, yet our lack of caring, boastfulness, not being of good service, quick to judge, murmuring and complaining displays the opposite of Jesus’ attitude.
Although, we are not perfect, we do have to remember that we are examples of Jesus. This means others are watching. It can be our spouse, our children, our grandparents, our friends, our teacher or students. It can be our co-worker, our mail carrier or the check out lady at the grocery store. In order to draw others near, to show a good example, we may need to check our attitude.
Make every effort to be Christ-like especially when trials and tribulations come your way. That is when eyes will really be on you to catch your reaction, your response, and your state of mind. When God see us serving with a good attitude or showing humility, He views our self-control and positive outlook as strengths, not weaknesses.
Many times, our attitude can make or break the situation. When we focus on God and not ourselves, we will see God’s power work from the inside out. In the right frame of mind the devil cannot touch you. The power of having a good attitude will bring peace, joy, love and trust. God is fair, and through Him, all will be made true when we in the right mindset.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
What Makes Us Stronger
What Makes Us Stronger July 28, 2009 Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. (Galatians 6:9 HCSB)
I’m usually not one to write too much on personal issues, yet whenever I write I take it very personal. I open up my heart by placing words no a page. As I began putting some thoughts together this morning, I actually realized how long it’s been since I’ve put my thoughts together. By that I mean, for the past few months, with all that I’ve been involved, it has seemed overwhelming. It hasn’t left much time to think, meditate or putting a sentence together as I so enjoy.
Even though, I’ve had wonderful conversations with great Christian friends, studying God’s word and praying, it still has left me wondering. Has God been taking my calls, my pleas; my prayers?
The answer is simple. Of course He has! Even when I’ve been distant or felt the communication have been dysfunctional, I know that God has never left me. Let me explain:
This year started out with bang. I, along with several of my favorite people in the world, my ex co-workers lost jobs. That in it’s self was an adjustment. After spending the past 11 years at a job, to be suddenly wiped out from under us left me wobbly for a moment. But it wasn’t very long after that, I found out how I would be spending my next few months.
I swiftly found myself in the South. This would be Mississippi, which is a lovely state, where the tea is very sweet, pine, magnolia and mimosa trees share the beauty and of course Southern hospitality. I especially found my sweet relatives to be so accommodating and helpful with the task that was set before me. My Aunts and cousins are gracious and loving people. You see I went to Mississippi to evaluate my mother’s living conditions as her illness left her not being to live on her own any longer. The process took around three months, preparing my mother for the move, all the red tape, actually getting her packed and on a plane and settling her in an Assisted Living in Arizona. Then once that was somewhat under control, my husband and I returned to Ole Miss to deal with her personal property, home and pet.
During this time, although I’ve appreciated my immediate family for their love and support, I know that I’ve been pre-occupied. I know it hasn’t been easy, but as a family we are making it through, standing beside one another, supporting and forgiving one another when our pride, stubborn nature, and self gets too involved.
I have tried to remain sane as I continued to see about my mother’s needs, while not allowing it to envelope me. Let me tell you, Satan has thrown a few whoppers my way, during this journey. That alone can cause us to want to become weary and not want to do good for God. Yes, I’ve had a few moments of not wanting got get out my bed, hoping I don’t’ get a phone call or something in the mail that needs immediate or direct attention. My brain has been on overload and I allowed that overspill in my heart at times, finding myself resentful and angry for being put in the position.
One might ask, what position? Isn’t it natural to want to take care of an ailing parent or loved one? Isn’t it natural to put aside personal grievances and look toward God and base our action and decisions on what Jesus would do? That is one of those whoppers I was referring to before. For those that know me on a personal level or those that I’ve shared my story with, may understand where I’m coming from. To be perfectly honest, I did not want this. This new duty of seeing about this woman, that I call my mother. It wasn’t in my life plan that is for sure.
However, through this journey, I have had to ask for forgiveness for harboring anger, for not allowing God’s healing to take place when He has been so desperately working on for me. I have had to humble myself. I have shown strength in ways that I never realized that I had. I have had to give up control in so many ways and allow God to His work and I follow.
I have been tired beyond explanation. This has affected, my body, my mind, and my spirit. I have wanted to give up at times because I know this will also continue. It’s not over yet. My mother’s illness and conditions has caused her to have mindsets I shall never understand and no matter how hurtful she has been in the past, I have to let that go and do, act, react and respond as God leads me. I am responsible for my own actions and know without a doubt, God knows my heart.
During this time, I have been blessed in so many ways that has helped me remain sane, if you will. Some are very personal ways and some have been through other means. Most of all, I have kept myself in the WORD, which alone has kept me going. I have continued to pray even when I wasn’t sure what to pray about, wondered if God is listening and YES has answered many of those prayers.
I have been reading and studying as I just finished up a bible study titled, “The Incredible Power of Kingdom Authority” by Adrian Rogers. I am now reading a book, titled, “Let Go” by Sheila Walsh. It has been a wonderful tool and it may be hard to pin point a favorite chapter, but so far it has been chapter, 13. I especially love the prayer on page 158. I have been keeping up Proverbs 31 Ministries. T. Suzanne Eller’s latest blog, “Starting Fresh”, really hit the nail on the head. Joyce Meyer, the straight talker. She lays it out there, plain and simple. Everyone can be blessed by giving her a listen.
My personal and dearest friends on this earth have been faithful and so giving with their encouragements and steadfast friends. I have lost count on how many times, my sweet sister in Christ; Tina has emailed me scripture or words of wisdom. Her heart is amazing. My ‘sister’ Paula, has always been in my corner, never faltering in her support or love she has shown me over the past years. My dear friend, Elva, one that met when I was young and shy continues to give encouragement and reminds me that I’m worthy. I have been blessed with many friendships and a wonderful support system that whenever I need to vent or ask questions with receiving judgment has been outstanding. Lisa, reading your Seeds of Hope every morning can only remind to start my day out right. Thank you for sharing your heart. You inspire me.
My peeps, that I still adore and love spending time with, who cause me laugh and forget about the troubles for a little while. Thank you, Leslie, April, Barb, Reylyn, Pam, Penney and Margie. Your friendship is breathtaking.
Shannon and Rachel, my daughters. I love you both so very much and I am proud of your maturity and helpfulness during these trying times. I know our family unit is strong and we have been through a lot, but also always remember to keep God in your sights. He is there for you always.
My church family, especially Beverly, Mylenda, Belinda, Monica, Martha, Angie and Heather have been there, giving lending their hearts and sharing a prayer.
I’ve reconnected or met a few people lately that have been wonderful as well. Through our wonderful world have modern technically, I’ve been able share some inter most thoughts with a few new/old friends and each have been welcoming and understanding. I want to especially thank, Kellie, Pam, Dee, Teresa, Tracey and Jenny. I poured my heart to y’all (that’s the Texas girl in me) and I can’t thank you enough for your understanding and friendship.
There has been a few guys that have been pretty cool though out my journey as well, that even though don’t know the details, have sent encouragement with out even knowing it. I want to say thank you, Joe, Dave, Ray, George, Albert, Jim Bob, Ted and Rick. You are all great guys.
I want to especially thank my husband, Charles. He has been my rock, my cheerleader, my advisor, and my friend through all this. I couldn’t have done any of this without you.
So, yes, we are often dealt with circumstances that leave us feeling tired and weary. Walking in the path that God leads does not leave us with out detour, bumps or potholes. We have to watch every step so we may not stumble or twist an ankle. We have to keep our eyes fixed on Jesus. He is our true and one great friend that often lead those other hearts to us, so we are not alone. Even though these days will continue, some more stressful than others, I am assured with peace that God is with me at all times. He knows ever ounce of my being. His grace is sufficient to get me through and His mercy forgives me when I fail.
Don’t grow weary when doing what is right for God. Our faith may be tested, our courage may need a charge, but our intentions will be rewarded when we strive to follow Jesus. Seek His footsteps and without reservation or doubt know that when you are ‘right with God’, you are will not grow weary.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
I Love You This Much
I Love You This Much
I've been thinking a lot on how we put through uncomfortable/unwelcome circumstances, yet God brings something good from it. I keep thinking every time, I want to shut down and not care, throw my hands up, how many times God could have done that to me, but hasn't.
I keep asking myself, is this EVERYTHING that Jesus experienced when he walk to the earth? Does he truly understand the pains we go through? He was put through so much worse. What we (I) deal with here and now is nothing compared to nails in the hand, body beaten to the bone, and torment he endured. Jesus took it all for me.
I imagine an older brother taking the whipping for his younger brother even though the younger brother deserves the punishment. But although the older brother knows the beating will hurt, protects the little guy anyway.
Is that what Jesus did for us? Did he take the whipping we so deserve? I am overwhelmed with the possibly of even though I'm not worthy of God's grace, He still pours, surrounds and envelopes me with it.
I've been thinking a lot on how we put through uncomfortable/unwelcome circumstances, yet God brings something good from it. I keep thinking every time, I want to shut down and not care, throw my hands up, how many times God could have done that to me, but hasn't.
I keep asking myself, is this EVERYTHING that Jesus experienced when he walk to the earth? Does he truly understand the pains we go through? He was put through so much worse. What we (I) deal with here and now is nothing compared to nails in the hand, body beaten to the bone, and torment he endured. Jesus took it all for me.
I imagine an older brother taking the whipping for his younger brother even though the younger brother deserves the punishment. But although the older brother knows the beating will hurt, protects the little guy anyway.
Is that what Jesus did for us? Did he take the whipping we so deserve? I am overwhelmed with the possibly of even though I'm not worthy of God's grace, He still pours, surrounds and envelopes me with it.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Unfading Beauty
Originally written 2/28/08
Don't be concerned about the outward beauty that depends on fancy hairstyles, expensive jewelry, or beautiful clothes. You should be known for the beauty that comes from within, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is so precious to God. (1 Peter 3: 3-4 HCSB)
As we season, we take a glimpse in the mirror. There is a bit more grey aligning the temples or lines around the eyes we have never noticed. Our bodies have taken on shapes, which is not in our favor. We tend to reach out for our pillows each night, drifting off knowing the morning will come soon. The morning light beams through and we long for the days before our natural clock began waking us up. Just a few more zzzz’s and I will be rearing go.
No matter what your biological age states, (take a look on your driver’s license), if you forgot, we have nothing on Noah.
So Noah's life lasted 950 years; then he died. Genesis 9:29.
Can you even imagine? We can also look at Adam and Methuselah. They lived to be in the 900’s as well. Talk about a stiff back, creaking knees and joints.
We take a look around our home, remembering when we used to be our teenager’s age, wondering where did the time go. What happened to me? We wonder, what happened to my youthful self.
Too often we put authority on our outside appearance. Our looks and our appearance seem be our entire make up. The clothes make the man. A certain overly priced cut of jeans is a must. The abs can use more core training. We dare not step out until our makeup is perfectly spackled.
No matter what we use to cover up the lines or darken the grey, we can’t cover up what is on the inside. God isn’t impressed that we own every gadget known to man. With today’s technology, it’s hard not to imagine Twittering or texting, but we don’t need either to stay in contact with the Creator of all things. The most expensive or dazzling jewelry won’t get us into Heaven. To out sparkle the next person doesn’t make us stand out more than another. We tell ourselves that over extending self with extravagant accessories will somehow fill a void. God’s love and knowing, His son, Jesus, can only fill the void.
Yes, God wants us to take care of ourselves. By taking care of our physical, spiritual and mental health, our outside appearance will take care of itself. Aging will come, regardless how we protest the process. Remember, God sees our beauty from the inside. It is our gentle, quiet spirit that is beautiful in God’s eyes. Whenever you take another look through your tired eyes or try rubbing the lines away, embrace ALL God has given you. The ways of the world change, as do we, yet God is forever unchanging.
I think your whole life shows in your face and you should be proud of that. -Lauren Bacall-
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Rest for the Weary
Rest for the Weary
April 16, 2009
Even children become tired and need to rest, and young people trip and fall. But the people who trust the LORD will become strong again. They will rise up as an eagle in the sky; they will run and not need rest; they will walk and not become tired.
Isaiah 40: 30-31
I’m not alone when describing that deep, agitated, bone-tired feeling. It’s the beat down, total exhausted emotion. It’s the end of the day; all I can do is edge into my bed, anticipating a restful sleep. We have nothing left in our tanks; even the reserves are empty. Fatigue as become a common factor in our life.
The added pressures and agendas far out weigh our sense of balance. The threat of loosing our job hovers over our shoulder, so we dare not relax at the work place. A loved one has taken ill. We spend our energies, becoming a caregiver, while still tending to our own family and home. Our family needs are continuous, as we manage the daily emotional or physical needs. We spend any extra time fulfilling our sense of duty in our Father’s house. We strive for a better church so we continually give where God leads. We juggle our lives between studies, work, home, and church.
We begin to question everything. We begin to wonder, am I making the best decisions? Where are the answers? I don’t see a light yet, am I getting near? With each passing day, we find ourselves struggling, trying to keep up. We may even dread what a new day brings because the same days have replayed it’s self over and over. Our body aches, as does our mind; even our spirit aches.
Still with everything we go through, everything we endure, we wouldn’t change a thing. For as difficult as it all seems, the journey is not taken without God. The exhaustion is overwhelming, still we continue to exercise our trust in God and put our faith in Him. The endurance we develop, the knowledge we inherit, and the wisdom we embrace is given to us through His grace. God uses these times to teach, as we become His students, His disciples.
Thank you God for my brothers and sisters in Christ, offering support and prayer. Thank you for my family that stands beside me, lending help where it is needed. Thank you for the friends that have become family as each supply me with inspiration. Thank you God, for sustaining me through the hard times. Thank you for helping me to soar, where I never thought I could. Thank you for helping me to reach dreams that I never thought I would accomplish. Thank for giving me the courage to take on another day, fully depending on you. You give me all the help and strength I need. You give me wings.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Gathering Acorns
Originally written
September 4, 2008
Give us today our daily bread
Matthew 6:11
I began to wonder, just how many acorns must a squirrel gather in order to make it through a winter. How much work will the ambitious creature do, traveling up and down the tree, scurrying about on the ground, scooping up the rations and safely placing it in its den? As the fall weather turns cold, the lively rodent continues the duty. The necessary provisions are met to last through out the cold blistering months.
A certain mobile phone company once promoted ‘the rollover plan.’ A customer starts a month with a certain amount of minutes. What is not used automatically rolls over into the next month banking more time for the customer. Like the squirrel, one might try to store up enough minutes to built up a nice reserve.
As Christians we may find ourselves trying to do the same thing; storing up enough grace to carry us through the next day. When we think about tomorrow our mind grows tired and weary. We want to reach into our Grace Bag and pull out enough to restore our bodies and minds. When we are uncertain about the future or facing a difficult situation we hope our Grace supply is sufficient.
God gives us grace on daily basis. If we had an unlimited supply of Grace we would never need to pray, "Give us this day our daily bread." God wants us to put our trust in Him. He promises to provide our needs on a daily basis. We can trust God to supply His grace to us. God wants us to trust Him TODAY and not worry about tomorrow.
Originally written
September 4, 2008
Give us today our daily bread
Matthew 6:11
I began to wonder, just how many acorns must a squirrel gather in order to make it through a winter. How much work will the ambitious creature do, traveling up and down the tree, scurrying about on the ground, scooping up the rations and safely placing it in its den? As the fall weather turns cold, the lively rodent continues the duty. The necessary provisions are met to last through out the cold blistering months.
A certain mobile phone company once promoted ‘the rollover plan.’ A customer starts a month with a certain amount of minutes. What is not used automatically rolls over into the next month banking more time for the customer. Like the squirrel, one might try to store up enough minutes to built up a nice reserve.
As Christians we may find ourselves trying to do the same thing; storing up enough grace to carry us through the next day. When we think about tomorrow our mind grows tired and weary. We want to reach into our Grace Bag and pull out enough to restore our bodies and minds. When we are uncertain about the future or facing a difficult situation we hope our Grace supply is sufficient.
God gives us grace on daily basis. If we had an unlimited supply of Grace we would never need to pray, "Give us this day our daily bread." God wants us to put our trust in Him. He promises to provide our needs on a daily basis. We can trust God to supply His grace to us. God wants us to trust Him TODAY and not worry about tomorrow.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Be Still
Be Still
Originally 2/15/08
Be still, and know that I am God. Psalm 46:10
Originally 2/15/08
Be still, and know that I am God. Psalm 46:10
We all have pressures. We are overwhelmed with school, work, church, friends and family. We find ourselves making hard decisions sometimes unpopular to those around us. We need time to think, to consult with our great counselor. We find it hard to be alone with God. It is true that the most wonderful way to get to know God is spending time with the Father. Distractions tug. We are tempted to choose another way. We become overwhelmed with other duties; we forget that God wants to spend time with us. We may even resist Him, thinking we can handle it all on our own.
When you take the time and be still, you can hear what God is saying. He will touch your heart and restore your spirit. He will listen to your pleas and concerns. He will comfort and direct. He will answer questions. He will rejoice with you.
Give yourself a time out. Find a place where there are no distractions. This may be hard to do at first, but soon you find you cannot live without it. Your anticipation will grow as you look forward to your spending time with your Father. Claim your time with God; your bond cannot be broken. Put up your DO NOT DISTURB sign as everything else takes a back seat. In the quiet place God will speak to you, if you are willing. If you really want to know Him, be silent and listen. He wants to have time with you so that you can know Him better.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Decision Making 101
Decision Making 101 Originally written 6/23/08 If any of you need wisdom, you should ask God, and it will be given to you. God is generous and won't correct you for asking.
James 1:5
How good are we at making decisions? Do we consider God’s plan in our life before taking that giant leap? Do we do our own research? Do we seek advice from a trusted follower of Christ? How about being reasonable and giving the idea careful thought? Do we listen to our conscience and when we do make a decision how long do we wait to finally act on it? As I began writing, I realize where I lack the skill or knowledge in making cautious and considerate decisions. Granted some decisions come easy. The outcome is generally harmless. Which salad dressing do I prefer on my salad? While other decisions may take more contemplation. What do we do to prepare ourselves for such an endeavor? James 1:5
We must go to God with our concerns and questions. We must pray about what ever it is we are making a decision on. So I tell you to ask and you will receive, search and you will find, knock and the door will be opened for you. Luke 11:9. When we go to God for guidance, He will give it to us.
Gather all the information that you can. It may be impossible to get all the information, yet getting all we can, greatly increases our knowledge. Homes are built on the foundation of wisdom and understanding. Where there is knowledge, the rooms are furnished with valuable, beautiful things. Proverbs 24:3-4
Go to a trusted friend or mentor; this can help us in making sensible and important decisions. A wise man will listen and increase his learning, and a discerning man will obtain guidance. Proverbs 1:5
Remember not to get too impulsive. Sometimes we get hasty and make a rash decision, leaving us with unwanted and unwelcome results. Take your time to make a decision. In that time, evaluate the pros and cons. Even zeal is not good without knowledge, and the one who acts hastily sins. Proverbs 19:2
Listen to your inner voice. What is it saying to you? Trust your concerns as you would a trusted advisor. No one will say, Look, here it is! Or, There it is!’ because the Kingdom of God is within you. Luke 17:21
And finally when the time comes to make that very important decision; do it. Don’t put it off. Procrastination becomes the enemy of progress. Do not deceive yourselves by just listening to his word; instead, put it into practice. James 1:22
Often when we cannot make up our minds, we become miserable. Focus your thoughts on God and His will for your life. Thank God for the sense of right and wrong, the ability to think, for giving us a course of action and aptitude to act on decisions. You belong to God and He wants what is best for you. Don’t leave Him out. Strive to make decisions that are pleasing to the Father.
Friday, February 13, 2009
Why All the Suffering?
Why All the Suffering?
originally written
September 19, 2008
My friends be glad, even if you have a lot of trouble. You know that you learn to endure by having your faith tested. But you must learn to endure everything, so that you will be completely mature and not lacking in anything.
James 1:2-4
The prayer list was long. God put much on my heart to pray for today. Prayers for some that are close, some that live far away and some I don’t even know. The weight felt heavy, but as I breathed every word to God, the burden lifted. I put my trust and faith in Him to protect, to comfort, to guide and uphold.originally written
September 19, 2008
My friends be glad, even if you have a lot of trouble. You know that you learn to endure by having your faith tested. But you must learn to endure everything, so that you will be completely mature and not lacking in anything.
James 1:2-4
I don’t understand why one must sit by and watch a loved die. Why does she have to go through this? The pain of watching a loved one suffer as they fight a disease can be unbearable. Although, we don’t want them to leave us, we pray to our Father that the pain will be disappear and our loved will have peace.
Why must a young mother carry the burden alone? She stands in being both parents to her two young children while her husband is deployed two oceans away. Why must she endure the waiting, hoping for the day her husband returns home? The thoughts that must go through her mind every day as she puts her husband in God’s hands. Oh, how she must miss him as she counts the days until he is home standing on protected soil.
There are so many family affected by the hurricane. Some have returned to find the devastation and destruction of their city and homes. The recovery may take months, even years to restore the coastline and what is considered back to normal for many of the folks that endured the storm.
Why does she have to go through the waiting period for a clean bill of health? Hasn’t she been through enough? She has gone through the exams and treatments but she still must wait. A period of time has been given for her to take the proper medications to ensure protection from any further cancers. While the medication does its job, it wreaks havoc on her body.
Then I wonder what God has planned for me and my job as it goes through reconstruction. Many lives will be affected as we wait, are placed and begin a different journey. So many questions unanswered, so many concerns of where I will be in a few months.
As we face trials, there is so much we can take from it. We can learn from the sufferings and trials of life. We learn to turn to God for understanding and deliverance. We make the effort to talk to God and ask questions. We learn about compassion, endurance and perseverance and we may be a blessing to another. We recognize the suffering that Christ Jesus went through for us. We learn obedience, let go of our concerns and put our total trust and faith in God.
No one suffered more than Job. Job lost everything. Job lost his children, his property, his wealth, his good name and his health. But through Job’s obedience and faith look what Job gained:
The LORD now blessed Job more than ever; he gave him fourteen thousand sheep, six thousand camels, a thousand pair of oxen, and a thousand donkeys. In addition to seven sons, Job had three daughters, whose names were Jemimah, Keziah, and Keren Happuch. They were the most beautiful women in that part of the world, and Job gave them shares of his property, along with their brothers. Job lived for another one hundred forty years--long enough to see his great-grandchildren have children of their own. Job 42: 12-16
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Mercy And Grace
Mercy and Grace
originally written 7/17/08
If you had understood what the words mean, 'I want loving-kindness and not a gift to be given,' you would not say a person is guilty who has done no wrong.
Matthew 12:7
Is it hard for you to show mercy or grace to someone when you feel they may be undeserving? How have you felt when mercy or grace has been shown to you and it doesn’t feel deserving? originally written 7/17/08
If you had understood what the words mean, 'I want loving-kindness and not a gift to be given,' you would not say a person is guilty who has done no wrong.
Matthew 12:7
One of my pet peeves is how my daughters maintain their bathroom. Rather it should be the lack of maintenance. It drives me mad to use it, which is safe to say is only under extreme emergencies. I rarely do and I’m sure to suit up in my handy Hazmat suit, prior to entering. It often appears as if it hasn’t been cleaned in weeks. There is no toilet paper. At least it’s not on the roll dispenser where one may expect to find it. It’s usually hiding under a towel that that got tossed on the floor. Make up, hair products; a hair straighter or crimper is taking up space on the counter. And would it kill them to empty the wastebasket before it begins to overflow?
I get after them and say, "Get in here and do something about this bathroom.” I get the usual, “It wasn’t me, she made the mess” or “I will, I will.” So I put my foot down until they get so tired of my voice, and they clean. Even though I’m irritated and not pleased with their lack of concern on the subject, I still do not turn my children away when they need my help. I don’t do the check off list. “Well let’s see, you need advice in how to set up your school schedule to coincide with your work schedule? Did you finish that bathroom yet? Don’t come to me with your problems until you finish cleaning that bathroom?”
What if God did that to us? What if he waited until we had all our issues worked out and corrected before He listened to us? God isn’t waiting for everything to be perfect in our lives before we can receive His grace. God gives it to us even on our worst day. God is a loving God full of mercy; He just wants us to receive it. Even if we don’t feel we deserve His favor, He wants us to have it. We are to also show others the same type of grace no matter what our feelings my tell us. We may not feel a person is deserving of our mercy, but we are to forgive just as we have been forgiven.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Unexpected Gift
originally written 5/19/08
Do not use harmful words, but only helpful words, the kind that build up and provide what is needed, so that what you say will do good to those who hear you. Ephesians 4: 29.
It was just want I needed. We never know the impact we leave on someone as we approach with our words; either in person, over the phone, or even by letter or email. That is why Paul reminds us to choose our words carefully, so that the results will be encouraging and helpful. Do not use harmful words, but only helpful words, the kind that build up and provide what is needed, so that what you say will do good to those who hear you. Ephesians 4: 29.
Today, I was surprised with this very gift, an unexpected gift, which made it all the more precious. A very dear Christian friend approached me, taking my hands into hers. As we greeted one another with a hug and hello, she looked at me directly in the eyes. She reminded me that she has been praying for me and always will.
Sometimes we allow ourselves to become distant and forget that others care. We become lonely as we isolate ourselves. We go into the self-protective mode not wanting to expose our thoughts or feelings. Our lives become filled with over whelming results; we redraw from those that can provide us with comfort and concern.
Today, I was given this unexpected gift. My friend remained mindful and considerate and she chose her words carefully. She gave me encouragement and hope. We never know who may need that kind of support or hand squeeze. Pray that God give you the words worthy of the One who saved us. I am so thankful for my friend. Her kindness, warmth and love, took my breath away.
Oh, I will also mention, the bonus; I always got a much needed hug. Thank you my friend. Your gift will forever remain in my heart.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Loyal Friend
Originally written 5/06/08
Some friendships do not last, but some friends are more loyal than brothers.
Proverbs 18:24
When we look at Paul, we can find that he had two good friends which remained loyal to him. Timothy a young man, who Paul mentored, became a faithful companion. We learn that Timothy came to know Christ through Paul’s counsel. Paul also had a friend named Epaphroditus. Paul thought very highly of this friend. Paul may have been popular and had a lot of people around him, but when he faced trouble many of those friends disappeared. Timothy and Epaphroditus remained steady and true.Originally written 5/06/08
Some friendships do not last, but some friends are more loyal than brothers.
Proverbs 18:24
Many people come and go in our lives, but we are truly blessed to have something in common with Paul. The friend that stays active and interested in our life, instead of fleeing at the first sign of trouble. Yes, our flesh will cause us to make mistakes and even the highest expectations can disappoint. But in truth, the loyal friend is a rare gift in which we can be thankful.
Do you have a friend like that? She sticks around to share your joy as well as hold you up when you are weak? Are you that kind of friend? A true friend gives her time, her wisdom, her compassion, and her energy to help another. A friend is not afraid to get involved in your life. God blesses us with such offerings, in knowing someone we can truly call our friend. Don’t be afraid to roll up your sleeves and return the favor.
Monday, February 9, 2009
Believing in Prayer
originally written 7/11/08
Trust GOD from the bottom of your heart; don't try to figure out everything on your own.
Listen for God’s voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; he's the one who will keep you on track. Don't assume that you know it all. Run to GOD! Run from evil!
Your body will glow with health; your very bones will vibrate with life!
Honor GOD with everything you own; give him the first and the best. Your barns will burst your wine vats will brim over. Proverbs 3: 5-10
I was taken by surprise this week after having a conversation at work. A co-worker and I were having a chat about a situation in our work place. We both expressed our thoughts and opinions on the subject and laughed over the absurdity the issue has caused. In the middle of the conversation the co-worker states, “I’m not a big believer in prayer, but when this ‘thing’ was about to occur, I prayed it wouldn’t.” originally written 7/11/08
Trust GOD from the bottom of your heart; don't try to figure out everything on your own.
Listen for God’s voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; he's the one who will keep you on track. Don't assume that you know it all. Run to GOD! Run from evil!
Your body will glow with health; your very bones will vibrate with life!
Honor GOD with everything you own; give him the first and the best. Your barns will burst your wine vats will brim over. Proverbs 3: 5-10
I’m glad I have good muscle control over my jaw, because otherwise, I may have stood there with my mouth ajar after hearing the statement. From that point all I heard coming from my co-worker was, “mwah, mwah, mwah,” similar to Charlie Brown’s teacher. I had lost interest with the subject at hand and could only focus on what she has just admitted. Maybe I did drop my jaw with bewilderment after all.
The words stung me. Maybe it’s because I do believe in prayer. Maybe it’s because I do go to my Father with my thoughts, concerns and praises. Maybe it’s because I’m finishing up an extraordinary book by Sheila Walsh, titled 'Get Off Your Knees and Pray.' In this case you can judge a book by its cover, because it is about prayer. It’s a MUST READ, if every given the opportunity. It is how we relate to our God in prayer and how He relates to us. One of my favorites quotes from the book states: “There is no greater gift we can give God than our trust and there is nothing more liberating than to do it in prayer.”
When I first heard this statement by my co-worker, it saddened me. But after some thought I put it into perspective. God wanted me to hear her speak these words. If she went as far to say that she is willing to go to God for this one ‘thing’, then maybe her heart will be open to getting to know God more. We never know a persons heart by looking at them from the outside, nor is it our right to judge. However, I am thinking God brought this to my attention to remind me not to forget to pray for those seeking His presence. I don’t know this person’s heart, but God does. As a believer in Jesus my Savior, I do believe in prayer. I do believe God in control of all things. I do believe He places us in unusual situations to remind us that we are not all alike, yet all can call on our Father. I took this as a lesson to pray for those that may not know Jesus. I thank God for bringing this example to my attention. I thank my God for all things. In Jesus name, Amen.
Friday, February 6, 2009
A House Of Brick
A House of Brick
Originally written 9/28/07
Originally written 9/28/07
Be Strong with the Lord and in the power of His might. Ephesians 6:10
Remember the story of the Three Little Pigs and how each built their homes? Only the third and wisest pig’s built his house of brick. That brick house came in handy when the Big Bad Wolf came to destroy it. The brick house withstood the powerful force of the wolf as he blew and blew. The strong foundation, the construction and quality of materials can often determine what is left after such a vicious attack. When we have to face our own personal storms, the strength will become visible in much the same way:*A Solid Foundation - The truth we have built our life on - God’s truth.
*Attention and accuracy to the construction – The attention we are giving our growing faith.
*The quality of materials; His word and how God has given us the character to stand strong.
This will help us to stand strong in the winds of our own storms. When we rely only on ourselves, our house is sure to crumble. When we rely on God, He can withstand ALL storms.
I can do all things through Christ because he gives me strength. Philippians 4:13
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Crossing the River Jordan
Originally written November 20, 2008
I've commanded you to be strong and brave. Don't ever be afraid or discouraged! I am the LORD your God and I will be there to help you wherever you go.
Joshua 1:9
Joshua 1:9
Joshua had a new job as the new leader of Israel. This consisted of leading more than two million people into a new land. After Moses died, Joshua would be his successor. As Joshua prepared to lead a new generation by crossing the River Jordon, God reminded him of the importance to remain strong, courageous and have consistent faith.
In our every day lives we may be faced with daunting challenges, tough situation, complicated people and temptation. However, God does promise not to leave us or fail to help. By asking for God’s help we can conquer many of life’s challenges.
When we face adversity, either it being a new direction, or loosing our sense of security, it will be frightening without God. We may have just lost a dream or an unattainable goal. The journey we are used to traveling has suddenly come to a dead end. We may find our selves about to cross over to a new land in which we will need God’s strength and direction.
With God, it can be a new adventure. Just as God was with Joshua, He will be with us when we face new challenges. One certainty we have with God is there are no rivers too wide or too deep that we cannot cross. We will need a life jacket as the strong currents cause us to struggle to stay afloat. The hazards of fallen trees or strong rushing waters interfere with our safe crossing. There may be treacherous rock tearing into our flesh or danger beneath the water we cannot see. Yet, we know that God will safely get us to the other side. We may even look at these diversions as opportunity. Set backs can be an opportunity to choose differently; a more appropriate path. An opportunity to learn, to yield, to trust, to serve and grow in the area or direction God plans for us.
We must trust that God may be leading us in a completely different direction of HIS choosing. What may look like a raging river is actually the opening of a glorious ocean of opportunity according to God.
God gave Joshua three simple guidelines to follow as he faced the great challenge of leading millions into a strange new land.
1. Stay strong and courageous
2. Obey God’s law
3. Consistently read and study God’s word
Some of us gauge prosperity and success for having power or desire to get ahead. Success is often measured by worldly standards. But through God’s eyes, we will succeed. When we are faced with disappointments in life, we must remember that God is control. Ask God for his blessings today, tomorrow and forever, as our Father in Heaven is the giver of all things.
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