Jesus often went away to other places to be alone so that he could pray.
(Luke 5:16 HCSB)
How comforting it is to know that the Lord is always with you. I know that when I seek him, I will find him. I thank you God, for revealing your word to me. Sometimes, we face challenges and just don’t know what to do. It leaves us confused, tired, and uncertain. He will help us to remain mindful and give us strength. He is always by my side and I have nothing to fear. And with the assurance of knowing Jesus Christ as my savior, I have an eternal place in heaven.
Sometimes, we need to find a place and be alone with God. He wants us to come to him, to confess our heart, to confide our concerns and to trust Him. " Lord, I don’t have the answers, but know that You do. Lord, I don’t know what to do, but I have your promise that You will guide me. Lord, I may stumble and I get confused, but You hold me steady. Lord, I put my trust fully into you, knowing You will always being with me.”
When we spend time with God, we will gain His peace, His comfort, and His affection. Find a place and be alone with your Father. Thank Him for never leaving you. Pray to God as Jesus did. God is always with you.
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