Loving the Unlovable
"To you who are ready for the truth, I say this: Love your enemies. Let them bring out the best in you, not the worst. ( Luke 6:27 MSG)
We can probably all say at one time or another we have come across that one thorn in our side, that one past occurrence that left a huge scar on us or we may be dealing with someone in the present. All can probably attest to that one person we have experienced in being the difficult to love. It is that one person that no matter how hard we work, it’s never good enough. It may that one person that always pointing fingers of blame, but fails to look in the mirror. It may be a person that continually puts you down, never sharing loving encouragements. It may be someone, after you ready to destroy repetition or damage your character. How do we truly love our enemies?
Often times we just don’t know what to do in order to overcome or release the anxiety these circumstance leave upon our hearts. Someone may be lying over and over, leaving trust unreachable. He may be making the same mistakes again and again, causing his own pain, yet damaging the relationship you have tried so hard to build. Her world may be so out of control, in a way beyond your reach. You have no structure or plan on how to get her back on track. The times you have been let down are countless, leaving you tired, weary, full of questions, with no solutions in sight. You find yourself building you own wall of protection to shield yourself from further pain or damage.
How do we continue to love someone that has proven over and over the trust is no longer worthy or every time we reach out, our hands become scarred? It isn’t easy loving those that seem to take advantage of what we embrace as an every day blessing.
Yes, of course, we come across temporary situations where someone may have wronged us and we go on; forgive and forget. We don’t waste our time allowing that one small insignificant moment to ruin our day. We overcome and go on. However, why is it so easy to allow the same thing to occur with those that continually misuse our friendship, our trust, and our willing hearts? Is this God’s plan for us to always turn the other cheek?
God doesn’t expect us to lie down like a rug and continue to be used over and over. We are not to allow other to beat down our confidence in a way that leaves our self-esteem low or we become victims. We are not expected to turn a blind eye on being abused or watch other being treated badly. However, are we are not to take on the Rambo attitude and give back what it coming to those that hurt us? Do we seek out our revenge, making sure justice is served?
What do we do? We have to stop and ask ourselves the big question. Are we secure in Christ, mature enough in Christ, to know that next time we are attacked, insulted or abused, that we are FREE enough in Him to reject our own will, to refrain from our urge to seek revenge, so that our Father, our redeemer of all things, who knows us better than anything on this earth, shall once again reconcile our hearts and mind? Are you willing to turn the other cheek? Are you willing to say, “Father in heaven, take this from me, so that I be blessed by your glory and grace.”
"When a strong man, armed to the teeth, stands guard in his front yard, his property is safe and sound. Luke 11: 21 MSG.
God wants us to love, forgive and pray for those that hurt us.
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