Originally written 4/08/08
Make your own attitude that of Christ Jesus. (Philippians 2:5 HCSB)
How often we allow our own attitudes to cause us grief. Our behavior can help us or hurt us. Our attitudes can our best friend or our worst enemy. We profess to be Christians, yet our attitudes get us into trouble. We are to be examples of Christ, yet our lack of caring, boastfulness, not being of good service, quick to judge, murmuring and complaining displays the opposite of Jesus’ attitude.
Although, we are not perfect, we do have to remember that we are examples of Jesus. This means others are watching. It can be our spouse, our children, our grandparents, our friends, our teacher or students. It can be our co-worker, our mail carrier or the check out lady at the grocery store. In order to draw others near, to show a good example, we may need to check our attitude.
Make every effort to be Christ-like especially when trials and tribulations come your way. That is when eyes will really be on you to catch your reaction, your response, and your state of mind. When God see us serving with a good attitude or showing humility, He views our self-control and positive outlook as strengths, not weaknesses.
Many times, our attitude can make or break the situation. When we focus on God and not ourselves, we will see God’s power work from the inside out. In the right frame of mind the devil cannot touch you. The power of having a good attitude will bring peace, joy, love and trust. God is fair, and through Him, all will be made true when we in the right mindset.
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