Crossing the River Jordan
Originally written November 20, 2008
I've commanded you to be strong and brave. Don't ever be afraid or discouraged! I am the LORD your God and I will be there to help you wherever you go.
Joshua 1:9
Joshua 1:9
Joshua had a new job as the new leader of Israel. This consisted of leading more than two million people into a new land. After Moses died, Joshua would be his successor. As Joshua prepared to lead a new generation by crossing the River Jordon, God reminded him of the importance to remain strong, courageous and have consistent faith.
In our every day lives we may be faced with daunting challenges, tough situation, complicated people and temptation. However, God does promise not to leave us or fail to help. By asking for God’s help we can conquer many of life’s challenges.
When we face adversity, either it being a new direction, or loosing our sense of security, it will be frightening without God. We may have just lost a dream or an unattainable goal. The journey we are used to traveling has suddenly come to a dead end. We may find our selves about to cross over to a new land in which we will need God’s strength and direction.
With God, it can be a new adventure. Just as God was with Joshua, He will be with us when we face new challenges. One certainty we have with God is there are no rivers too wide or too deep that we cannot cross. We will need a life jacket as the strong currents cause us to struggle to stay afloat. The hazards of fallen trees or strong rushing waters interfere with our safe crossing. There may be treacherous rock tearing into our flesh or danger beneath the water we cannot see. Yet, we know that God will safely get us to the other side. We may even look at these diversions as opportunity. Set backs can be an opportunity to choose differently; a more appropriate path. An opportunity to learn, to yield, to trust, to serve and grow in the area or direction God plans for us.
We must trust that God may be leading us in a completely different direction of HIS choosing. What may look like a raging river is actually the opening of a glorious ocean of opportunity according to God.
God gave Joshua three simple guidelines to follow as he faced the great challenge of leading millions into a strange new land.
1. Stay strong and courageous
2. Obey God’s law
3. Consistently read and study God’s word
Some of us gauge prosperity and success for having power or desire to get ahead. Success is often measured by worldly standards. But through God’s eyes, we will succeed. When we are faced with disappointments in life, we must remember that God is control. Ask God for his blessings today, tomorrow and forever, as our Father in Heaven is the giver of all things.
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