Thursday, March 14, 2013

Let's Not Forget Our Roots

“For God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him
will not perish but have eternal life.
John 3:16 (NLT)

I have been invited to attend a celebration at the church, I attended as a young girl. The celebration will entail it’s Seventy - Fifth year of service to the community of Port O’Connor, Texas.

One of my fondest memories was sitting in the pews, made of a dark wood with my dad.  I watched him intently open up his well- used King James Version Bible, and pointed out John 3:16. It was my first verse. I listened as he read the scripture and I followed along with him, as he ran his fingers across the old page, reading the words. God’s words. Like, for many, this verse has become permanently imprinted in our spirit. Oh, I love that memory.

The idea of revisiting this seasoned building caused me to think back about my roots, and where it all began for me. I was quite young when I first began attending POC First Baptist. My parents were married in this church and we continued to attend in the years we lived in this small south Texas town. The community was small, so we got to know our neighbors well. I have fond memories of the Pastors of the church. I remember attending Sunday School and Vacation Bible School at this church. I recall sitting along side my Grandma Helms, listening to her singing, Amazing Grace, with the rest of the congregation. I remember observing my first Lord’s Supper in this church as a young girl, curious to what it all meant. I was Saved and baptized in this church. This is where I first came to know the Lord.

We all have a story as to where we first began our walk with the Lord. We all have a testimony. Our Christian walk; my Christian walk changed and has grown from the first time I heard the verse, “For God so loved the world,” and my walk continues to change and grow tremendously from that summer when I first became a born again Christian. I was at the tender age of nine and finishing up another session of Vacation Bible School, when I heard Jesus calling me.

Let’s not forget our roots. Let’s revisit  and embrace that moment when we first became a child of God. Remember the passion and excitement, the eagerness to learn more about Jesus.  And as we continue to learn, change and grow, our passion for God should be increasing. We should be thirsting for His Word, our song should have another chorus, our excitement should be uncontrollable. Our souls should be rejoicing.

One thing from this experience, I have come to trust God’s tremendous love. He sent His son, Jesus to die and cover my sins. God promises that for all those believe in His son, Christ Jesus, shall not perish but will have eternal life.  

God loved me from when I was in my mother’s womb. God loved me when I was two, nine and through my young adult years. He continues to love me, even as I change and grow. We change, but HE remains the same.  He desires us to know HIM as much as He knows us. He wants an intimate relationship with each of us.  Those roots, those memories of when we first became HIS should be growing deep and strong and anticipating more.  Don’t forget that moment.  Don’t let life’s pressures or circumstance take that  from you. Don’t lose your passion for Christ. Embrace it and know that the day, you gave your heart to Jesus, your life has been forever changed!!  You are HIS - FOR EVER MORE!!

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