I love the Lord because he hears my voice and my prayers for mercy. Because he bends down to listen, I will pray as long as I have breath! (Psalm 116: 1-2 HCSB)
This may be the most impromptu thought I have every had and it certainly it the most unrehearsed idea that has come to me. Anyone that knows me well, knows that I'm a planner. I don't like surprises and I try to think over an idea before I act upon it. I am not one to step up to be seen and I certainly would never want to cause embarrassment to another person.
With that being said, as I was getting ready for work this morning I began to wonder about this prayer idea. I don't know about you, but sometimes I have a hard time praying. Of course Satan loves that idea. Whatever you are forgetting to do, it will certainly come to you once you sit down, determined to spend a few moments with God. Every thought, every distraction will fill your mind. You begin with best intentions, but before you know it, the mind has wondered off to the laundry or what bill has to be paid. It strays to the movie you watched the night before and try to guess how many times hearing the 'f' word is enough? Satan is tricky like that. He draws you away. He puts ill and ugly thoughts in your mind, keeping you from talking to your Father.
I know this happens to me. So, as I was getting my things prepared this morning and thinking about what the day will entail, I also had this thought: What if when I set out to pray, I had direct and certain prayers to keep me on track, so that my mind wouldn't wonder and be distracted? I began thinking about all those that I know and perhaps don't know that could use a little extra prayer sent up on their behalf.
I began thinking about anyone that has ever been hurt, mentally, physically or sexually abused and can't seem to shake the memories and go forward. I began to think about the families that may be suffering financially and are the verge of having a utility turned off or even loosing their home. I thought about the single moms that is either holding down a job or furthering her education to better things for herself and children. I thought about the man that has disability and feels unworthy because he can not provide for his wife and children as he once could. I think about the student that wonders if she will make it through course and actually graduate. I think about the family that is going through personal struggles that stays behind closed doors, wondering if it will ever get any better? I think about the parent that has lost a child and the sting of pain never seems to go away. I think about person that lost a spouse and now has to carry on alone, without the companion he or she shared so much. I think about that loved one struggling with an addiction and we just don't know how to help. I think about the person that has questions and wants to know more about Jesus, but doesn't know who or how to go about getting the answers. I think about those that don't know Him at all and would rather be in a pit of rattlesnakes than to be interesting in a Savior.
God doesn't want us to stay in a pit. God wants us to be joyful people, rejoicing in His word, living every moment that we can with a smile on our hearts and on our face.
I don't know what all to pray for or who needs them, but God does. So, this is my pledge. I WILL pray for you! I am not in the embarrassing business, so no matter what you choose to share, I promise it will remain between you and God. I will pray for you and I hope that you will feel and receive the prayers.
If you want to email me with any thing specific, I welcome you to and again I promise I will not embarrass or reveal anything that you share.
You can send me a personal email through Facebook or to my personal email at taxzcab@gmail.com.
I am your friend. I am here. I will pray for you. I don't have the answers, but God does. Sometimes it just takes that first step in handing it over to Him, letting go of whatever you are holding so tightly too and allow the creator of our world and universe to do His thing. He is there, ready, able and willing. We just have to be able to recognize that no matter how strong or special we are, God has the ultimate control. He loves you and wants the best for you and your everyday life.
Know that without a doubt that even if you don't know Him, He knows you.
My prayer for you today is relax in that thought. Relax in knowing that nothing is bigger than God. Relax and be assured that you are here because God wants you be and no matter what you are facing, you never have to go about it alone.
Dear, dear Carol - this is an awesome devotion! Thank you so much for allowing me the privilege of being someone you have shared it with.