Rest for the Weary
April 16, 2009
Even children become tired and need to rest, and young people trip and fall. But the people who trust the LORD will become strong again. They will rise up as an eagle in the sky; they will run and not need rest; they will walk and not become tired.
Isaiah 40: 30-31
I’m not alone when describing that deep, agitated, bone-tired feeling. It’s the beat down, total exhausted emotion. It’s the end of the day; all I can do is edge into my bed, anticipating a restful sleep. We have nothing left in our tanks; even the reserves are empty. Fatigue as become a common factor in our life.
The added pressures and agendas far out weigh our sense of balance. The threat of loosing our job hovers over our shoulder, so we dare not relax at the work place. A loved one has taken ill. We spend our energies, becoming a caregiver, while still tending to our own family and home. Our family needs are continuous, as we manage the daily emotional or physical needs. We spend any extra time fulfilling our sense of duty in our Father’s house. We strive for a better church so we continually give where God leads. We juggle our lives between studies, work, home, and church.
We begin to question everything. We begin to wonder, am I making the best decisions? Where are the answers? I don’t see a light yet, am I getting near? With each passing day, we find ourselves struggling, trying to keep up. We may even dread what a new day brings because the same days have replayed it’s self over and over. Our body aches, as does our mind; even our spirit aches.
Still with everything we go through, everything we endure, we wouldn’t change a thing. For as difficult as it all seems, the journey is not taken without God. The exhaustion is overwhelming, still we continue to exercise our trust in God and put our faith in Him. The endurance we develop, the knowledge we inherit, and the wisdom we embrace is given to us through His grace. God uses these times to teach, as we become His students, His disciples.
Thank you God for my brothers and sisters in Christ, offering support and prayer. Thank you for my family that stands beside me, lending help where it is needed. Thank you for the friends that have become family as each supply me with inspiration. Thank you God, for sustaining me through the hard times. Thank you for helping me to soar, where I never thought I could. Thank you for helping me to reach dreams that I never thought I would accomplish. Thank for giving me the courage to take on another day, fully depending on you. You give me all the help and strength I need. You give me wings.